
Viettel invests $250m in Peru, to expand user base to 2.5m

post 21.10.2015 of VTG in News

Vietnam's military-run telecom group Viettel, through its Peru-based subsidiary Bitel, has announced to further invest $250 million in the South America country to increase the number of local subscribers to 2.5 million.

According to the Vietnam News Agency, Bitel chief executive Hoang Quoc Quyen said, the company had been investing in the largest fiber optic cable system in Peru. In addition, the total amount of subscribers will reach a million by the end of this month. With the aim of reaching 2.5 million subscribers, Bitel will become the most popular telecom carrier in Peru, the Vietnam News Agency cited a Bitel executive.


Bitel was officially launched in October 2014, currently being the only nationwide 3G data service provider in Peru. The company will be providing wireless fixed line and Internet services to government-linked organizations and businesses.Communication Director of Bitel, Mr. Rafael Torres said that "Bitel is ready to provide fixed - wireless telephone service and Internet connection for enterprises and organizations, as well as provide free broadband Internet access for 4.496 schools, clinics and public areas in Peru

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